The Development of a ‘Christ-Michael Language’ (Rudolf Steiner) and Understanding Anthroposophy after a 100 Years

How can the challenges for understanding inherent in Steiner’s work be made transparent and fruitful for people who approach Anthroposophy? Due to the lapse of more than 100 years, certain central themes encounter a different preconception today than they did back then. Rudolf Steiner himself repeatedly points out that in his texts and lectures it is the ‘forming’, the HOW of what is said is important and less the WHAT. At the same time, he mentions in the guiding principles that a ‘Christ-Michael language’ is to be developed, which is to be placed alongside the language of the natural sciences. The question is what this future ‘Christ-Michael language’ is and how it relates to the called upon ‘forming’.

Rudolf Steiner indeed mentions that the "Christ-Michael language" embodies the "essence of the human being", the "development of the human being" and the "becoming of the cosmos", but at the same time it is clear that this knowledge must become experience as the human being goes through the Word itself, that is, through the form of the Word. A linguistic training path is to be followed, which ties in with the mysteries of Ephesus, the place where John wrote the prologue to the Gospel.

More details on the research project